Trial Membership

Prospective new members are very welcome to attend up to 3 sessions on a trial basis before joining the club. To attend the trial session please complete the form below and we will get you booked onto a session. Whilst we will do our very best to accommodate you, numbers at some of our sessions are restricted, so in busy periods you may need to give us a couple of dates.

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Which sessions do you plan on attending? (Please select a max of 3 sessions)
* Trial sessions are limited to maximum of 3 over a period of 30 days for new members. This offer is not available for returning members,
Please let us know what are your limitations/expectations of trial membership (if any)
By Signing this Trial Membership disclaimer I confirm that I am physically fit and well enough to participate in the Tri2O Triathlon Club training sessions. I am voluntarily engaging in a level of exercise that I am able and willing to do and accept that activities with Tri2O Triathlon Club are at my own risk. If my health changes at any time, it is my responsibility to cease or modify my participation in the session and consult my doctor as to whether it is safe for me to continue. I must also accordingly advice relevant officials, specifically the session lead coach. I hereby agree to abide by the club rules, policies and regulations and be governed by the rules of British Triathlon Federation and all other laws and regulations applicable.