Course Information

All the course maps are available to view and download at the race entry site Eventrac:


Click on the dropdown menu highlighted in yellow as shown here, to select the appropriate map, and click on the blue down arrow (circled in purple) to download the map you have selected.

Swim Course

The swim takes place in the beautiful H2O Swim Centre Lake, surrounded by trees and sheltered from the wind. The sprint distance swim is a single lap and the Standard distance swim is a two lap course.

As is to be expected with gravel pit lakes, there is sometimes weed present in the lake. The Swim Centre works hard to keep any weed under control to ensure the swimming experience is as pleasant as possible. We will advise as and when necessary regarding any weed present.

Bike Course

The Reading Triathlon bike course takes you through the rural Berkshire roads, with some straight fast stretches and some gentle undulations too.

For the sprint race we have a single loop 22km course, up to Mortimer and back through Grazeley.

The Standard and Aquabike races take you on a 40km route starting along the same route as the Sprint course. At Mortimer War Memorial the course splits and you turn right, where you will be taken on a lovely route through Silchester, Stratfield Saye & Beech Hill. You will then rejoin the Sprint route at the bottom of Mortimer Hill.

Most of the bike course is on open roads, but they are largely quiet. Any potholes or hazards will be clearly marked on the road. There is one significant right turn at Grazeley Green, which is a mandatory foot down junction for your safety and that of other road users. This is a busy junction and failure to stop, and put your foot down on the ground, will result in disqualification.

There is also one set of traffic lights on the bike course on a section of closed road near the end of the bike lap, but participants are permitted to go through the red light here (with care).

Run course – Back for 2024!

This year we have returned to our much loved, classic run course around the lake. 

Sprint and Sprint Relay Distance: THREE laps  
Standard Distance: SIX Laps

The run is predominantly on a grass track around the lake, which can be slightly uneven at times. Work will be undertaken prior to the race to ensure the surface is as flat as possible, and the grass will be mown in the days before to ensure it is short. 

The run course will come through the race village and past transition so you will get plenty of cheers from the spectators each time you come through.